Flirting With Disaster

What's wrong with a little flirting?

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.

During the last week of school my students and I were sharing devotion time. Now, the devotional I've been using lately tells the children about some historic event that happened on this date, and then ties in a biblical truth or story to that event. It also tells you about what national holiday or event it may be. For example, once it was National Waffle Day, another it was National shoe day. You get the drift. On this particular day it was National Humbug Day.
"Wait what? Its what day? " Ask several students.

One of my particularly bright girls says " Humbug, like bah humbug- you know Scrooge says it."

To which one of my little boys replies, "Wait, I thought it was a car,"

Thats right, somehow, somewhere there is somebody out there driving a Humbug, I'm pretty sure Volkswagon makes it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Backhand Land

The last 24 hours I have been inundated with a plethora of backhanded compliments. Seeing as how I know you care about my personal well being, I thought I might keep you abreast of the situation and let you hear about a couple of my favorites.

Last night at bible study we had our group Christmas party. In my attempt to be festive and holiday contemporary, I wore a bright red jumper that makes me look somewhere in the area of twelvish. (My roommate is sure that she owned the exact same dress when she was 12) OH well, I love it anyway. So anywho, one of my extremely eloquent- shockingly single- guy friends comes up and tells me- "I really like that big red thing you are wearing".....yes- apparently I'm big!!!! My clothing is huge and my body is running close behind.....

moving along.....

This morning in reading class I did a Gingerbread Man unit. We colored, read a story and did a story map, followed by a crossword. The kids were really enjoying it...when one sweet little girl comes up to let me know that she is having so much fun in reading. She explains that this is surprising because normally reading is so BORING.

In 24 hours I learned tat I was both fat, and boring...and a host of other backhanded compliments that I will not divulge because I can only let you know how flawed I am in small increments.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dating Karma

I guess that old addage about what goes around comes around, or whatever it is....its true. So sorry to all those girls in college. I get it now.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Who does this sound like to you...

I've recently taken a moment to go back and read some of my older posts, and I've had an epiphany. In the last few weeks I've been so concerned with getting recent events documented, that I didn't take the time to tell the story. To really be me. Its just, and then I did this, and then and then and then.
I'm reading a book by a speaker that I love to listen to. When he begins speaking you instantly understand his passion, you feel his excitement. Reading his book, I lose that feeling, that doesn't sound like him at all. I miss his voice.
So here is my first attempt to find my voice again. Maybe this will sound like me.

Last week at school, I found myself overly amused by two events. Neither was anything ultr-special but both made me smile and realize that my job is a million times better than whatever it is you find to fill your day.
Story 1- I had prepared my class early in the morning I had announced to my class that we would have a school wide assembly. This brought several groans of disappointment that a new guest reader would not come to visit, and instead we had to go to the gym to listen to "talkers". As the day continued my class began interacting with the older grades...talking at lunch, playing on the playground. By the time we came in from recess my class was in an excited frenzy. What in the world could be going on? Was there a new Hannah Montana concert I wasn't aware of? One of my little boys was more than happy to fill me in.."Oh, Miss M., at 2- the whole school is going to a Pepper Alley. Not just us, but middle school tooo....I've never been to a Pepper Alley before." Now to be honest, I also have never been to a pepper alley....but in order to be a quality educator, I tried to correct the confusion. "Sweety (thats what I call kids before I fill them in on their clueless ways) sweety, its called a Pep - Rally." "Oh- sure" was the response. It didn't matter how many times I corrected my little Einsteins. At 2pm, we went to the Pepper Alley in the gym and it was amazing!!

The next tale will have to wait until I'm less tired...and more chatty.