Flirting With Disaster

What's wrong with a little flirting?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Y Not?

Picture, if you will, a kindergarten class sitting in a circle marveling over the wonders of the letter Yy. Learning and reveling in the ya-ya sound it makes and the funny shape. It is now time to go around the circle and say words that begin with that wonderful Ya sound. Here they come.
and then the answer I never saw coming. Now I see how obvious it is...but at the threw me.
" Y0 mama"
"What was that Dawson?"
"Yo mama..Miss Malenke, yo mama starts with Yy."

I love my job!!!!

Don't Worry, I found it!

So I must begin with calling Lisa out on her "problem". Sure at first face licking is kind of funny....a little big deal. But when it leads to communicable diseases that cause my Kindergarten class to make fun of my "scary, scratchy" voice it has gone too far. So let it be known Lisa Griffin "The face licking has got to stop and I mean now!!"

That being said on to the story of the day. So I come in to school today with my voice seriously distorted. I would like to think that it is a new kind of sexy smoky voice like Lauren Bacall. But unfortunately as Lisa pointed out to me last night, it is more of a pack a day smokers voice. So I come in to school and my students (who have no fear of offending me) let me know that my voice is strange and that I am scaring them. I try and reassure my class that its just because I am a little sick. This freaks them out more because they have gotten the "Don't come to school if you are sick, Miss Malenke does not want your gross germs in our classroom" talk.
I then let them know that it is not contagious (which is probably a lie because I think Lisa gave it to me, but whatev) and that I am just losing my voice like our Pastor had earlier in the week.
This is followed by one of my students informing me that he had once lost his voice. "Oh really?" I asked.
To which he responded, "Yeah but it was ok....I found it later under my bed."

I wonder if that's where my voice is going too. I'll have to look there first thing when I get home!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hangover Math

Have you ever thought to yourself "No, I can't do that because I will regret it tomorrow." Then you do whatever it is you shouldn't because its obviously more fun than anything else you could be doing. And then inevitably the next day you say to yourself "I can't believe I did that, I knew I would feel like this".

That is the kind of morning I am having. I had this hypothesis
Teaching + Hangover = Suckage

After some research last night that has bled over into this morning I have learned that my hypothesis was incorrect. The accurate equation is
Teaching + Hangover = Personal Hell

Lesson learned. With less than three weeks left, my goal is to get enough sleep and not drink on a school night again. We'll see how that goes.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


This was sent to my email titled "A wish for all the difficult people in your life" I don't know if I could wish this on anyone. Ow. On the other hand......

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