Flirting With Disaster

What's wrong with a little flirting?

Monday, August 28, 2006

If the hurricane doesn't kill me...... many of you know...I have a new roommate. We'll call her Einstein. Early in my move in process, I asked the innocent question.."Aw...what kind of dog do you have?" To which she replied..."I don't know...a mixed mutt." Alrighty..then.....move on to living together for about a week...when she admits the dog...we'll call him "Lucifer", is a mix of pit bull and boxer. I'm not completely thrilled about this fact since I have seen at least three Datelines about when pit bulls attack. But I let it go because supposedly mixes are a little better. Fast forward to last night when I learn that "Lucifer" is actually 100% pit bull...and "Einstein" has known from the begining but lied becuase sometimes the term pit bull freaks people out. Yeah well....I'M FREAKING!!
This was only step one into my joy though.....because then I learn that "Einstein" has been talking to a guy online. No big deal...lots of people meet online...not my deal, but to each thier own. Now here is where the problem starts. "Einstein" has never met, we'll call him "Dahmer" in person. They have only chatted online and on the phone. So naturally it would be a good idea to invite "Dahmer" over to our house for a movie.....because giving a complete stranger our address is an amazing idea!!!! So once again, I'M FREAKING!!!! (He ddn't come over...Einstien got sick...but the principle of the thing remains the same. I don't want to be raped and killed by your new online boyfriend. Period...and since he hasn't seen you, he has no way of not mistaking us...and raping and killing the wrong idiot.)

Alright, my rant is done. Does anyone have a place I can move into? Preferably before "Dahmer" shows up.

Needless to say I didn't sleep well last night

So what's your superpower?? case you weren't sure about my hurricane magnetism...let me assure you it is alive and well. On Saturday they were projecting that tropical storm Ernesto would be heading straight for the gulf...New Orleans, Biloxi...etc. But after Ernesto learned that I had moved from New Orleans to South Florida, naturally he changed paths and is headed directly over the state of Florida. My magnetism is alive and well...and unlike last year at this time...when I was running to my parents Florida..they just stay put. My time may be coming to an end much sooner than anticipated. I don't know how many more hurricanes I can take.
As far as gifts or super powers...this was is kind of a bummer....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I love post-its!!!

The wide variety of uses and the amount of information they can convey blows my mind. Thank you mister inventor of the post-it. You have changed my life for the better.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ho do you pronounce it???

So, today marks our fifth day of school. An entire week complete, and the realization that this class already knows me too well has sunk in. To get my students in ability focused reading groups ( groups) I have to do an individual reading assessment of each student. They come and read a word list to me until it is so painful for both of us that I tell them they did and excellent job and they may stop. After 19 of these I was ready to stab myself or someone close to me with a pencil..but thats another story completely. Anyway, its not that surprising that a commonly mis-read word is the word "how". More often than not it is read "ho" with that long O. So the mispronunciation was not a surprise to me...what did make me stop was how accusatory my students sounded as they said "ho". It took a great deal of restraint for me not to respond with "Am not!" So now I sit here wondering if that reaction is normal...or if maybe I have some issues that I should deal with. new students are just mean and that is all there is to it. But don't worry, I'll get them in line in no time!