Reality Check
In the last couple of days my life has been shaken. Katrina has devastated the city I now call home in ways that I could never have imagined. When I left on Saturday, packing enough for a weekend at home I had no way of comprehending how different this week would be.
Here are a few of my thoughts in the last day or two.
Last Thursday I looked into my walk-in closet frustrated by the fact that I had "nothing" to wear to teach in. As I looked into my closet it was obvious to me that my wardrobe was seriously lacking. Today as I look into my closet and have literally nothing to teach in...I see how materialistic I have become. How important the accumulation of stuff had become to me....and how little it means when you have your life and your family to be grateful for.
Last week I was exhausted as the end of our second full week of school was coming to an end. I told one of my coworkers that I knew it was only the second week of school, but I couldn't wait for a break. Now I have that break.....Indefinitely, and I would give anything to know that each one of those 15 second graders and their families are safe.
Its amazing and powerful how quickly life and reality can change. I am so thankful for my friends and family who have been there for my late night calls and my grief over what just amounts to stuff. Please keep my students, coworkers and their families in your prayers.