Flirting With Disaster

What's wrong with a little flirting?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Are you talking to me??

So the vending machines at school have become a kind of a soda roulette wheel.
I put in my 50 cents and then I push the top Coca Cola button, waiting with baited breath. Will it be Coke? will it have caffeine? Will anything come out at all?
In the past couple of weeks the only thing it will spit out is Sprite. I've been assuming that is God's way of telling me that my ill body needs clear liquids.
Today I pushed the top Coca Cola button and I was given a Cherry Coke. I now think God thinks I need to add more fruit to my diet.

I'm hoping to someday soon push that button and have a man appear....

I wonder if God speaks to everybody through soda machines....or if I'm just special......

Hope your day is filled with God's voice!


At 11:17 AM, Blogger hannah said...

you're just special, in terms of the soda machine...

God's speaking to me, but there's static in the air so i'm not quite sure what he's saying yet...but i think it's big. we should talk some time. maybe my answers are in your soda machine too...

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Luke's parents said...

too bad there is chocolate coke so you know God is telling you that you need more chocolate in your diet!


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